Hi, I’m Alex Eftimie, a Freelance Senior Art Director who worked in Milan, Hamburg, Berlin, New York, Paris, London and currently based in Bucharest.
Have a scroll through the award-winning work and the passion-driven work.
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Diesel – Haute Couture
Just like any other brand out there, Diesel gets a lot of hate online. And just like any other brand out there, we could hide it, or simply ignore it. Instead, we decided to not only embrace it, but turn it into our entire F/W collection. Because the more hate you wear, the less you care.
Launch Film:
Case Study:


Heineken – The Night is Young
At the beginning of summer 2021, social life was in danger – more than 80% of those vaccinated were over 55. That’s because a very outspoken antivaxxer minority of 10% managed to influence 40% of gen z and millennials to delay the shot.
In an effort to swing the undecided and at the risk of harming sales and perception, Heineken took a global pro-vaccination stand and gave the antivaxxers something they couldn’t ignore. But this time, they spread a pro-vaccination message: seniors and senior influencers invited the young to take the vaccine and make the most of their summer nights.
Launch Film:
Case Study:

Heineken 0.0 – Cheers with no alcohol
For centuries non-drinkers have been facing the same dilemma: to cheer, or not to cheer?
In the new global Heineken 0.0 campaign we revisited periods in history where it was socially unacceptable to cheers without alcohol. Like, being beheaded by the queen if you cheer with tea kind-of-socially-unacceptable.
The solution was to keep it inclusive: you can cheer without alcohol. Oh, and we launched it during Dry January. Cheers.

Diesel – Be A Follower
Our Instagram feeds make us think that an influencer’s life is a dream life. But is it? The Be a Follower campaign is about taking back what rightfully belongs to all the followers out there: The effortless art of successful living.
Unlike any other fashion brand, we gave influencers a break and used the influencer budgets to turn our followers into promoters. We created SIDE:BIZ – a loyalty program turned into a new way of doing e-commerce, which rewarded followers directly depending on how much traffic and online sales they brought.


BMW x Juliette Lewis
Honouring International Women’s Day BMW and Juliette Lewis share their view on what it is that makes “The Driver”.

Self Initiated – The Endless Column
Together with my friend, Mihai Botarel, we created a modern tribute to Brancusi’s Endless Column and invited artists to reinterpret his artwork.
To see the whole project please visit:

Romanian Design Week
The project was featured at Romanian Design Week in an offline version of the instragram account.


Diesel x Mustafa
Diesel responded to fashion industry’s obsession with exclusive brand collaborations by creating a limited edition collection with a Berlin kebab shop.

Heineken 0.0 – Smart Working?
Working from home brought with it endless calls, zoom fatigue, hardship in separating work from life and unfortunately, new bad habits. Like consuming alcohol during work hours.
“Smart Working?” reminds consumers to be careful about risks of overconsumption and never drink alcohol when they’re behind the desk.
When it comes to smart-working, you can make it smart-drinking with Heineken 0.0 alcohol.

Self Initiated – Warming Poster
Winter can be painfully cold, so we decided to make it warmer by giving people a status about today’s society and a poster to warm them up. Started in January 2016.